Jay's demonstration of the companions of Andromeda was also an interesting lesson for those of us who have not (yet?) learned to see as well as Jay. I was unable to see Andromeda I. Not too easily discouraged, though, I tried for Andromeda III. One of the other astronomers described it as triangular and indicated the orientation. At first I still couldn't see it. But by jiggling the scope a little it popped right out at me. (This is the same 14.5" Dob that so dramatically showed the Mexican Jumping Star last weekend. I guess there's something to be said for a springy mount after all :-) I was also somewhat selfishly encouraged when the only person there with less experience than me reported not being able to see it at all. Progress is possible.
Jay looked cold that evening and left early. About 2am, I went up to visit the folks on "Tasco Row". But they were packing up too. And by the time I walked back down the hill, my Meade LX200 was the only one remaining. An unexpectedly busy night at FPK had turned into a one-scope show. I spent about an hour "hunting" down Caldwell objects. I finally gave up too when I ran out of Caldwells above the horizons. With Arcturus and Spica coming up in the east and Orion nearly set in west, I was home by 5am. A pretty good night for such crappy seeing.